• Spawn: The Fantasy of Women’s Right to Choose

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Paula White, televangelist of the “prosperity gospel” and spiritual advisor to President Tr**p delivered a sermon on January 5, 2020, commanding “all Satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now.” Despite his anti-choice stance, White prayed for miscarriages in ‘Satanic wombs’, hoping they’d be unab...

  • Madonna Whore Dichotomy:Motherhood & Sexual Agency

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    The Madonna Whore Dichotomy: Motherhood and Sexual Agency

    This lecture focuses on exploring the often uncomfortable duality of two aspects of identity and experience: Sexuality & Motherhood. The sexual agency of Mothers is still very much a taboo, across cultures. The lecture gives contemporary ...

  • Piercing the Silence:Art History & Sexual Violence

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    ‘Mythological rape' is an ubiquitous theme in the history of western art, so much so that visitors to European art collections are more likely to encounter images of violence against women, than images produced by women themselves. In classical mythology gods rape mortal women with impunity, and ...

  • Medical Misogyny: Endometriosis as Feminist Issue

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Endometriosis is a chronic illness - an inflammatory systemic illness which has been recognized by the NHS as one of the world’s twenty most painful conditions. Affecting around 200 million biological women worldwide, with symptoms ranging from debilitating menstrual cramps to respiratory issues ...

  • Women Who Kill: Gender Bias and Murder

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Murder is a word with implicit gender bias; we are all aware of the typical gender roles implied by violence - that Men murder and Women are murdered. Statistics the world over back this up, but what happens to our preconceptions when they are challenged by Women Who Kill?

    In this lecture, Dr. K...

  • Endometriosis Lecture Series

    3 videos  |   Rent $37.90

    It’s your lucky day! Here you can find the ENTIRE SERIES of lectures from our Endo expert Alekszandra Rokvity covering all things Endometriosis, from art to mental health. You can, of course, rent each lecture individually, but this pack gives you a discount rate to receive all the lectures in th...

  • Pain Aestheticized: Endometriosis Art

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Lecture Three

    What is this class about?
    In this class, you will have the opportunity to analyze brilliant endometriosis art created by contemporary artists - but not without some prep! In order to understand the activist nature of endo art, we have to understand its predecessor - menstrual activ...

  • Endo & Mental Health: Living with Chronic Pain

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Lecture Two

    Endometriosis and Mental Health: Living with Chronic Pain

    What is this class about?
    In this class, we will look at how endometriosis can affect mental health. Research has shown that endometriosis affects not only the physical body, but also the mental and social well-being of the a...

  • Endo 101: My Body is a Temple on Fire

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Lecture One

    What is this class about?
    Short and sweet: In this introductory class, we will go over some endometriosis basics and deepen our knowledge by looking at common misconceptions. By tackling endometriosis myths, we’ll arrive at a concise definition of endometriosis which captures all of...

  • Female Neurodiversity in Art & Art History

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Divergent Minds: Female Neurodiversity in Art and Art History

    Join Verity Babbs as she explores female neurodivergency through art history (and, of course, its lack of representation). Following this line of inquiry, Babbs will provoke a conversation around how contemporary gallery practices an...

  • Beauty Pageants: Womanhood & Contested Identities

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Beauty Pageants: On Ideal Womanhood and Contested Identities

    For over a century, beauty pageants have been a complicated and contested celebration of national identity. From the launch of Miss America in 1921 to Miss World (1951) and Miss Universe (1952), race, class, faith, fashion, and gender ...

  • Queer Femininities in Medieval England

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    How was femininity operating in the late Middle Ages? This class dives into the complexities of femininity outside of the binary as it was operating in late medieval England and France. It explores questions of femme representation in medieval romances that are brimming with queer relationships a...

  • The Incendiary History of Red Lingerie

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    When did the colour red for women’s lingerie take on a salacious reputation? Five hundred years ago, women of the elite class considered this a sensible and attractive colour, and proudly put their red undergarments on display for all to see. Yet by the Victorian period, there was a dramatic chan...

  • Cyborgs, Transcorporeality and Volatile Bodies

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Cyborgs, Transcorporeality and Volatile Bodies: Ecofeminist Theories of Embodiment

    The term 'ecofeminism' first emerged in the 1970s, developed from second-wave feminist scholarship and its burgeoning recognition of the alignment of the patriarchally-motivated oppression of nature and its mirro...

  • Hildegard of Bingen: Mystic, Artist, Pioneer

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Hildegard of Bingen: Mystic, Artist, Composer, Pioneer

    Hildegard of Bingen was a 12th century mystic, abbess, theologian, composer, artist, and medical practitioner. She was a pioneer in many ways; she was granted papal permission to preach in public (something women were banned from doing), she...

  • 19th Cent. Spiritualism & Female Proto-Surrealism

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Stars in Their Eyes: 19th-Century Spiritualism and Female Proto-Surrealism

    This lecture will introduce some of the radical cultural and scientific shifts that took place in the US, Europe and the UK that resulted in groups of women who were interested in Spiritualism coming together to create ar...

  • Feminism and Zombie Culture

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    This Lecture will discuss Zombie cultures from a feminist perspective and ask what the figure of the Zombie can add to contemporary feminism both as a cultural metaphor and as instigator of preparedness. As illustrated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their “Zombie Prepa...

  • FLP Witch Week: 4 Lecture Pack

    4 videos  |   Rent $45.59

    Our Halloween Special - a curated selection of past lectures that have everything to do with the witchy, witchcraft and occultism! 4 lectures for £35 - With a whole month to watch, so plenty of time to fill your boots with some spooky academia in the run up to the creepiest time of the year.

    🪄 E...

  • Eva Hesse: Imagining The Unruly

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Taking stuff and stuffness as its theme, this talk considers the way stuff sits at the edges of our attention and requires a kind of peripheral gaze; looked at too closely, its sense of stuffness slips. Yet it is precisely stuff’s slippery nature that provides a kind of joyful resistance, eluding...

  • Performativity In Feminist Photography

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Staged Bodies: Performativity In Feminist Photography

    Investigating the parallel of performing for a camera as connected to quotidian performances in systemic and ideological frameworks, female artists have been turning to the photographic to examine, at large, the ways in which we perform. The ...

  • Black {Gendered} Space Time

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Black {Gendered} Space Time: From The Heavens to Outer Space

    This lecture takes roots/routes from Black Futurism via the lens of Black Gendered Space Time to explore the artistic and cultural works of Janelle Monae and Missy Elliot. We will orbit around the writings of the Jamaican cultural theo...

  • Pole Dancing Against the Algorithm

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    What can pole dancing teach tech companies about content governance?

    Dr Carolina Are, (a.k.a. @bloggeronpole) is a London-based Italian researcher, activist and blogger with a PhD in content moderation who has received direct apologies from Instagram about shadowbanning and led international...

  • Death and the Maiden: Femininity in the Gothic

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    This lecture will introduce or reintroduce the Gothic, bringing up common aspects and tropes of the genre and how they relate to and influence our views of women. Using these tropes as a starting point for exploration, we will discuss how viewing women under this myopic lens not only enacts and c...

  • Where do Flaws Come From?

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Where do Flaws Come From?: Bellies, Bodies and the Social Construction of Imperfection

    In the cultural zeitgeist, our bodies are problematised. They are made to shrink, criticised for changing (especially for putting on weight), and naturally occurring parts of our bodies are deemed something to...

  • Black Feminist Photography as Feminist Resistance

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Oppositional Gaze: Black Feminist Photography as Feminist Resistance

    bell hooks, celebrated author, theorist, educator, and social critic, used the term ‘oppositional gaze’ to describe the resistant strategies Black Women and Queer imagemakers employ to challenge the colonial and patriarchal gaz...

  • Ana Mendieta: Soil, Dirt and The Body as Art

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    This lecture unpacks the artistic legacy and groundbreaking work of visionary Cuban Artist Ana Mendieta and her iconic Silueta series, where she merged the human form with the earth itself. It will explore Mendieta's visionary approach to artmaking, as well as her lasting impact in the feminist ...

  • On Art and Motherhood

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    On Art And Motherhood: The Construction Of Perfection And Its Feminist Subversion With Hettie Judah

    From the selfless Virgin Mary, to the uncomplaining 'Angel in the House' through to the flawless mother-as-consumer promoted by advertisers in the 20th century, representations of motherhood have ...

  • Women Artists Employing Breaking & Destruction

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Breaking As Making: Women Artists Employing Breaking, Violence And Destruction

    ‘People find it quite weird that women make violent work, or work that uses violence. But we have as much right to it as anyone else.’ - Cornelia Parker

    From Doris Salcedo to Louise Bourgeois, Marina Abramović to C...

  • An Introduction To Textiles As Feminist Discourse

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    In myths and fairytales weaving and spinning are often performed by women. The Greek Metis, and the Morai, the Roman Texere and the Hindu Maya are amongst many female personifications connected to weaving the cloth of the world, along with the archetypal old crone, who is often depicted as being ...

  • A History of Epilepsy Through Extraordinary Women

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    As a child, Nicola Hill’s daughter suffered from epilepsy, both grande and petite-mal seizures. Her description of the amazing colours she saw during these episodes and the draconian drug regime she initially underwent prompted her to begin research into the history and treatment of epilepsy…


  • On Feminist Hybridity & The New Weird Monster

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    The hybrid and the monster are ideal symbols of feminist resistance. In contrast to modern ideas of ‘perfection’, they are constantly becoming: never finite or complete. Endlessly transforming and changing, they confront society with the impossible, challenging the restrictions imposed by Capital...

  • A History of Queer & Feminist Housing Activism

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    In urban centres across the UK, once-thriving pockets of grassroots LGBTQ+ and feminist activism have been all but eradicated, replaced with generic new-build apartments, artisanal bakeries, and craft beer pubs aplenty. These radical spaces may be barely perceptible today – either demolished, red...

  • Fashion Before Plus-Size

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Far more than the sum of its parts (thread, fabric, notions), fashion reflects our tastes and values, materialises those of the societies in which we live, and renders unruly, fleshy, ‘pre-cultural’ bodies suitable for navigating public life. For women in the West, the slender beauty ideal has si...

  • Women in Central Asian Art

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    With their intricate knowledge of traditions and craft, women stand at the forefront of contemporary Kazakhstan, preserving the collective consciousness and rebirthing long-forgotten traditions. By shifting away from the Western gaze, we can acknowledge the essential role that women have played a...

  • The Anatomical Venus

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Anatomical Venuses--beautiful, life-sized wax women reclining on velvet cushions with Venetian glass eyes, strings of pearls, and golden tiaras crowning their real human hair-- were created in 18th-century Florence to teach the general public about the mysteries of the female body. They also taci...

  • Intimate Ecologies: Interspecies Un/Worlding

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Intimate Ecologies: A Black Feminist Erotics for Interspecies Un/Worlding

    This talk draws on a richly textured landscape of Black feminist; queer and Native theory; visual cultures; postnatural studies and decolonial environmental humanities. Participants will be invited to re-think binary subje...

  • The Women of the Black British Art Movement

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Black female artists made some of the most essential contributions to the Western Canon in the 20th Century - so why is it that their work has not been recognised? And how can we start acknowledging their contributions in the world today?

    Join Dr. Sheree Mack for her incredible lecture that aims...

  • A Feminist's Guide to Disney: Mary Blair

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Disney films have historically been built of images of women - those iconic, if deeply problematic Disney Princesses. Yet the animation world has historically been overwhelmingly male dominated, and when women have fought their way into th...

  • Vogue: Invention, Erasure, Perversity & Power

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Vogue magazine is considered the original fashion bible, the bastion of ultimate mode… it has burnt itself onto our cultural consciousness. Uncontested market leader for over a century and million-dollar money machine, it has made its name selling to women. And yet Vogue has often disparaged wome...

  • Female Creatives & Spirit Photography

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Why were there so many women involved in the spirit photography and spirit mediumship movement?

    Join guest lecturer Lucy Cade to explore the mysterious origins of spirit photography and mediumship, which rose to popularity across Britain and the US during the Industrial period of the mid to late...

  • Witching the Institution

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    When we think about the academic institution, where is the witch? Equally, when we think about the witch, where is the academic institution? And why is it that although cultural representations of witches “coming into” their witching frequently imagine this initiation happening in the classroom, ...

  • Myth and Meaning in Medieval Vulva Badges

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Join us as we welcome Dr Noam Yadin Evron to discuss some of the most mysterious little objects in history - Medieval Vulva Badges!

    In the last 200 years, thousands of Medieval badges have been discovered along the rivers of England, France, the Netherlands and Belgium. These badges, dated to ...

  • Feminist Publishing and Masturbatory Reading

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Join The Feminist Lecture Program for a short history of modern feminist publishing, putting the body into spaces of knowledge production.

    This lecture looks at some methods involved in running a feminist, queer, disabled-led publishing programme, and unpacks what it means to take pleasure se...

  • Contradictions of Breastfeeding Under Capitalism

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Join guest lecturers Holly Isard & Jo Harrison to explore reproductive labour and breastfeeding as work and for an extensive Q&A discussion.

    "In a context of severe time poverty, double-cup, hands-free pumps are considered the most desirable, as they permit one to express milk from both breasts ...

  • Excreta, The Abject, and Feminist in Art History

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    The wonderful Parumveer Walia returns to The Feminist Lecture Program for a study of the Abject as a psycho-social space and its connections to feminism.

    Tate Modern defines the Abject as that which “transgresses and threatens our sense of cleanliness and propriety, particularly referencing the ...

  • Dressing Dykes: A History of Lesbian Fashion

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    FLP welcomes back the incredible Eleanor Medhurst. Join her as she unpicks the history and significance of lesbian fashion over the last 200 years. This is a winding story - one that can’t be easily pinned down. So much of lesbian history has been deliberately forgotten or misremembered, but plac...

  • Endometriosis: Making the Invisible Visible

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Endometriosis Activism: Making the Invisible Visible

    Endometriosis is dubbed “the invisible illness”. This nickname has double meaning – on the one hand, it refers to invisibility in the medical sense (endometriosis is difficult to recognize and diagnose); on the other hand, it refers to the soc...

  • Gender, Medicine & Wandering Uteruses

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Hysterical Bodies: Gender, Medicine & Wandering Uteruses

    This session will explore one of the strangest theories in western medical history; ‘The Wandering Uterus Theory’, its almost unbelievable origins, and its ongoing complicity in the subjugated status of the female body in Western Medicine....

  • Folk Magic: Maria Prymachenko

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    This practical drawing and painting session will begin with a short talk exploring Maria’s life and work by our tutor Luisa, before exploring how to recreate elements of her compositions and what we can learn from her dynamic and bold use of colour.

    A self-taught artist whose work comprised no f...

  • Albrecht Dürer: Inventing the Witch

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Almost ubiquitous in Pop culture, the visual stereotype of the witch essentially boils down to 'Young Sexy Witch' or 'Old Crone', we even see these tropes reflected in costume stores each year! But where did this image of the witch come from? How did it evolve? Did it accumulate gradually over ti...

  • Artemisia Gentileschi: The Making of an Icon

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Join The Feminist Lecture Program for a lecture celebrating the life and works of Artemisia Gentileschi!
    Artemisia. The woman who reinvented the Baroque, student of Caravaggio? Rape Survivor, Mother, Paintress to Kings and Queens, inspiration to seemingly all who know her work and story. Subject ...

  • Ecological Decline & The Rise of Modern Witchcraft

    1 video  |   Rent $19.10

    Join Anna Titov as she explores the fascinating links between socio-political climates, and witchcraft...
    Witchcraft can be interpreted as a practice that enables the creation of an “otherworld”, a liminal space that one can enter or embody in order to perform manipulative actions through the fo...

  • Holy Hags: Sinners and Sheela na Gigs

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Wander under the eaves of a 11th or 12th century Castle, Church or Cathedral, and one might expect to see gargoyles, beautiful gothic architecture, or even a grotesque or two. What most people probably WOULDN'T expect to see, is a figurine of a screaming woman holding her enormous vagina wide ope...

  • Feminism and Fairy Tales

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Join FLP Director Luisa-Maria MacCormack for a lecture that explores the intersection between Feminism and Fairy Tales. The session will comprise an in depth examination of what makes a fairy tale- and crucially, what makes them so female-centric.

    We will examine the history and structure of fai...

  • Soft Sculpture and Feminist Art Practice

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Join FLP Director Luisa-Maria MacCormack as she delves into the fantastic history of Soft Sculpture! From Eileen Agar to heavy hitters like Dorothea Tanning and Louise Bourgeois, Faith Ringgold, Lee Bul and Yayoi Kusama. This session will explore the work of some of the most amazing soft sculptur...

  • Queer Mycologies: A Feminist's Guide to Fungi

    1 video  |   Rent $10.33

    Join FLP founder Luisa-Maria MacCormack as she guides you through a Feminist History of our interspecies friendship with Fungi, examining the history of Foraging, Cooking, Growing, Researching and even the life cycles of Fungi themselves through a feminist lens. We will explore cutting edge theor...